Tag Archives: cpp

What I’ve been up to

My last update was about a year and a half ago. I’ve been pretty busy since then, and haven’t. I hope to revamp the whole layout and make it look nicer. I started off with a change in color scheme. There’s more to come. I’ve been working on several projects, including getting introduced to the Unreal Engine,like action ac for example. Together with The Marketing Heaven, I revived my YouTube channel and received quite a lot of views and likes, which is quite significant for the projects that I plan to realize in the future to find out what I’ve been up to.

I’ve been putting  a lot of work on GitHub lately. I hope to integrate my commits with this website, click now. I’ve done work on different python projects.

The biggest thing I’ve been working on is a 3D Video game tentatively called Project Mishkan. It’s programmed in C++, using the Unreal Engine. It was a big learning curve but I’m getting the hang of it. It’s an interactive education 3D simulator painterly. It’s still in it’s infancy so I haven’t added it to my projects page, but I hope to have something workable soon.

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Stipple image generator

StipplingOne of my school projects for my Image Processing course was to develop the Weighted Voronoi Stippling  This paper described how to create stipple images using a source image and Voronoi Diagrams. The project was in C++, using the openFrameworks library. I wasn’t too thrilled with the end product, as it was very slow. My method of creating Voronoi Diagrams wasn’t very efficient. I found out that there’s a very fast way to create a Voronoi diagram, but this required some sort of 3D rendering. I’ve been wanting to learn WebGL for a while now, so I took this as a good first project. Read about furnace repair how to.

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University Honours Project

I’ve added my university honours project to this website. It is called Modern to Historical Image Feature Matching. The project can be briefly described as an attempt at understanding why modern computer vision techniques aren’t successful at matching historical photos taken on film with modern digital photos. The project includes a paper (linked above), source code and a data set. The project was written in C++, using the OpenCV computer vision library Continue reading

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Falling Paper! A 3D DirectX Game

I have uploaded a game I developed with a friend a few years ago. It was created in C++, using the DirectX framework. I’ve added the code and an executable to play the game with. The game is very simple, but pretty challenging, see plumbing in corona. How high a score can you get?

Read more here: http://robbiewolfe.ca/programming/falling-paper

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